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Paperback: Welfare Cheese to Fine Caviar: How to Achieve Your Dreams Despite Your Upbringing


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Thomas Wideman, the author of this dynamic self-help manual, Welfare Cheese to Fine Caviar: How to Achieve Your Dreams Despite Your Upbringing, rose from poverty and dismay to a life of security and personal achievement through techniques he shares with readers who can incorporate them into their own life plans.
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B. Scott

Chanticleer Books

Welfare Cheese to Fine Caviar is an inspirational memoir that also serves as a self-improvement resource for others.
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Klay Dyer

Forward Books

Readers looking for inspiration will appreciate Wideman's straightforward account about how adversity only made him push harder to achieve a better life. Though this memoir best suits a younger audience, such as high school or college-aged strivers, the message and motivational language can resonate with older readers, as well, looking to pursue a new career path or achieve a lifelong dream no matter their background or financial circumstance.
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by Publishers Weekly

the author’s willingness to be vulnerable—something he admits he avoided for years while the book’s first version languished in a drawer—makes it work. Welfare Cheese should inspire those who have overcome difficult upbringings or are trying to do so.
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